Leap and the Net Will Appear…

The first time I heard the quote in this blog’s title, spoken by spiritual advisor Abraham Hicks, I felt the lightbulb go off in my head. I heard it years ago, in the midst of transitioning from a student to an entrepreneur, and it was divine timing. From that point, I felt like I had a soothing visual I could always come back to anytime I was afraid of taking the leap. The secret to my growth as a creator and entrepreneur has been to keep leaping, time and time again.

And today, dear reader, I am inviting you to also take a leap with me. Many of you may know me as an astrologer, a model, a mother… but these are all labels in the end, and they don’t really show you much of who I am, or what I do. I am a human being, a cosmic force in the Universe currently incarnated in a physical body. I am a creator. And so are you. We are all creators. We are here to create. It’s that simple.

But our society has made it a bit more complicated throughout the course of humanity. We’ve almost forgotten how simple and beautiful life can be. But we are now entering a time of magical awakening. In a few days, there will be a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Leo. This eclipse is going to shake up outdated structures in our lives, and help us get rid of limiting beliefs once and for all. I can already feel the energy, which is why I felt compelled to write this blog post about taking the leap and pursuing your soul’s calling. Not in a year, not in a few months, but right now. This eclipse will prioritize our passions and make it clear what we have to let go of if we want to make room for constant abundance and joy.

This isn’t an illusion or a fantasy. This is the real deal. Everything about life as we know it is about to change because there is a collective transformation happening around the world — we are no longer accepting the status quo. We are becoming aware of our worth. We are becoming aware of our infinite power of collective creation. If you want to learn more about this upcoming eclipse taking place on January 31st, subscribe to my free weekly KnowTheZodiac newsletter and you’ll get all the details.

I had to share this astrological segment with you, whether you’re a believer or not, so that you aren’t surprised when you wake up on February 1st, 2018 feeling like a brand new person, with a clearer vision of where you’d like to go. This eclipse energy will help you see yourself from a whole new perspective, and if you haven’t yet taken the leap in the direction of your dreams, February 2018 will be your new beginning. It will be your chance to recreate yourself and just go for it. You will feel transformed.

So what do I mean by taking the leap? Let me give you an example by backtracking a little bit, to May 2017, the month of my graduation from Teachers College, Columbia University. I was on the verge of completing a major milestone in my life. At 24 years old, I was about to earn my Master’s degree in English Education from the top graduate school of education in the United States. 3 years prior, I had already earned two bachelor’s degrees in French and Narrative Studies from the University of Southern California.

On paper, it looked like I had checked all the boxes academically. I was even considering pursuing my PhD. But ultimately, after graduating, I made the decision to put my more traditional educational path on hold, to not apply for traditional teaching jobs, and to instead devote my time and energy to growing my businesses, ScorpioMystique and KnowTheZodiac. I took the leap, and I haven’t looked back since.

I had been working on my lifestyle business while simultaneously being a student ever since July 2011, after my freshman year at USC. It all started off as a Twitter page, where I shared my love for astrology with people on the internet. Next thing I knew, thousands of people were reading and engaging with my work. I had shared my passion, dared to be vulnerable, and created consistently. This combination of leaps led to it organically growing into a social media phenomenon.

It took years for me to even think of monetizing my brands, and I’ll explain that process in future posts. My husband Royce was a tremendous help when it came to monetization and creating my site, so he’ll get a whole blog devoted to his incredible talents. The quote “do what you love and the money will follow” is so true. Becoming an entrepreneur took a series of intuitive baby steps, a solid support system, and the relentless pursuit of my passions. That is what leads to the creation of a sustainable online business.

During the 6 months after I graduated from USC, from June 2014 – December 2014, I had my first taste of full-time entrepreneurship when I realized that I wanted to be able to pay my rent without asking my parents for financial support. I also didn’t want to just apply to a random 9-5 job to make money. I knew that I wanted to go to grad school, so I applied to grad schools while also managing my business.

When I started grad school and moved to New York in January 2015, I transitioned back into being both a student and business woman. But those six months before grad school had truly tested me because I had to leap and hope that the net would appear. It did, but it took patience, consistency, courage, and lots of hard work.

I’ll be sharing more of what it takes to truly leap into entrepreneurship in a series of future blog posts and other resources. But this blog post in particular is to show you that it can be done. We will get into the how soon. But before we get to that, you have to focus on the why.

My why is that I want to be able to be in control of my own destiny, and let my talents and creativity sustain me. My why is that I want to be able to work from anywhere in the world, and not have time constraints or have to ask for time off. My why is that I want to use my love for technology and social connection for more than just Netflix and chillin’. KnowTheZodiac and ScorpioMystique have become communities of spiritual beings focused on self-love and self-development. That was my why, and I manifested it.

When you know your why, it becomes easier to stay focused on your goals, and it becomes easier to take more and more leaps. You don’t give in to self-doubt as much, and your path starts to become clear. The more you listen to your why, the more your purpose makes itself visible to you, and to those around you. Then opportunities start to appear, doors start to open, and money comes flowing in. It’s the law of attraction. It exists within you.

Don’t get me wrong, the path to entrepreneurship is not always smooth-sailing. In my next blog posts I’ll give you more of a detailed insight on some of the struggles or challenges you may face as you take the leap. But in a society where fear is often marketed to us, and where millennials have internalized the notion that they’ll always be broke and in debt, I wanted to provide some spiritual and real-life relief for you. I promise you that your reality can be different. You can live abundantly and you can sustain yourself with your dreams and talents.

July 2018 will mark 7 years since I first started my Twitter page, and I’m proud to say that what once was just a hobby is now my full-time career. My family and I are able to thrive off of what we make as creatives and creators. That’s what humans were born to do — they just tried to condition us to believe otherwise. This is all part of our evolutionary journey though, so I’m not trippin’. I’m just grateful that we’re awakening.

2018 will see the biggest surge in millennial entrepreneurs and creatives, all around the world. You may already be one of them, and you may be seeking ways to expand and take more leaps. Or you may be on the edge of taking the leap, and you just need a gentle nudge. Or, you may have never contemplated taking the leap. You may even love the job you’re currently in. But you may realize that you’ve been playing it safe, and you’re curious to know what else is out there.

No matter where you are in your journey, you’re at the right place. There’s a reason you’re reading this, right here, right now. You know your worth, and you’re no longer willing to settle. You’re ready to be an intentional creator of the reality of your dreams. Will you dare to dream with me, dear reader? Dare to take bold action and leaps with me. I’ll help you along the way, but ultimately you’re the only one who can take the leap. You’re the only one who can visualize and manifest the net in which you’ll safely land. I believe in you.

Do you believe in you?

For more tips on entrepreneurship and to know when my next blog drops, subscribe to my free newsletter below. Thank you for dreaming with me.

Keep soaring,



2018: Our Homegoing